How are psychedelics impacting modern parenting?
Parents use psychedelics, entheogens and plant medicines for many reasons. Some desire to shift behaviors learned in their own family and are seeking a means to subvert the strong forces of entrenched patterns. Others are looking for a more spiritual life in an age that rewards stuff over substance.
And some seek to dull the discomfort of tedium, overstimulation and exhaustion, using substances that lead to altered states of consciousness for a reprieve.
But while topics like sleep patterns, eating habits and school choices are commonplace among parents, the topic of using substances and parenting is more fraught.
How do we cope with taboo, stigma and shame in speaking about our experiences in parent communities?
What risks do we face when we use substances, and how are those considerations different for parents with varying degrees of privilege?
How can we bring the teachings from our psychedelic experiences into our parenting? To what degree do we involve our children in these experiences, if at all?