The Rise of the Mushroom Moms - Romper

Rebecca was interviewed for a piece in Romper on psychedelic parenthood.

To be sure, it’s not all about meeting god and being a better person. Many moms are choosing mushrooms because they want to drink less (or not at all) but still want to have joy, pleasure, and release on a night out — ideally sans hangover. And if a little revelation comes from all that partying? Even better. “We tend to stigmatize those experiences as being less valuable. But the silo of recreational and therapeutic is quite arbitrary,” says Rebecca Kronman, a licensed clinical social worker and co-founder of Plant Parenthood, a community for parents who use mushrooms. “Both of them have value.” If you happen to meet god while on the party bus, or work through some sh*t, that’s just a bonus.


Talking to Teens About Drugs - A Plant Parenthood Webinar


Kids on Psychedelics - A Plant Parenthood Webinar